Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday Sketch Challenge

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Feeling a little sketchy today? Here is a fun one from My Favorite Things. I inked up one of the newest A la Mode girls (Lightbulb moment) and colored her with my copics.

I love that she is holding nice "warm" light in her must be an incandescent one...

Make sure you stop on over at the MFT blog and see all the details of the sketch challenge... Play along as there is a prize to be won!

Here are my SUPPLIES for this card:


Mimi said...

That project is so adorable and I thought of another way to do it... with my daughter when she gets a bright idea and you can see the light bulb go off in her brain. I am going to visit my craft room from, find a good pic of her and see what I come up with!

Karen Giron said...

I love this! Maybe she has super human strength and can withstand severe light bulb burns, LOL! Love the fun, bright colors - she's darling!