Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday Snap

Tis' the season to be living in a gymnasium. This is our family mantra for the next few months. Our son Daniel has really taken a love for sports and is in the throws of basketball season, meanwhile, club volleyball has started up too.

A dim gymnasium can be one of the hardest places to get good clean I am discovering. The combination of dim light, high speed action (requiring a fast shutter speed), sitting up in the stands, not being able to use a flash and maintaining to cheer while behind a camera... proves to be a challenge.

For the photogs that follow my blog...these were taken with these specs:

70mm, F2.8, ISO 800 and shutter 1/200

Go Eagles!


Елена Яшкова said...
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Anonymous said...

Sherrie, I'm impressed that you can get this shot in the gym with no flash! Bravo. I too have been trying to learn how to do indoor photography with manual settings and no flash. It's so trial & error.
-erin peters