I had the pleasure of helping with a certification class with the lovely Marianne Walker...no her name isn't Marianne Copic but she seems to answer to that as well. This photo is at the end of a very jam packed day of fun. She is just as genuine and sweet in real life as she is on her wonderfully informative blog.
I am looking forward to spending more time with her at CHA in January as I will continue to pick her artistic brain....she has a WEALTH of color knowledge that I just love to glean.
Ok, ok...on to the goodies! I am going to have not one, but TWO winners of these fabulous copic gift bags!
Two original Copic markers...lots of ink in these babies! RV13 and V15
One Wide Copic Marker in C1
A Copic Spica glitter pen in Olive (fabulous to add some shimmer to you Christmas greenery)
A marker refill (E33), this is a must have refill as I have this refill myself (I use this color all the time!)
Finally a cute little copic bag to store them in.
Three, yes three copic sketch markers in BG02, G02,BV08 (I love the BG02 color!)
Two copic wide markers in V17, W1
And this bag contains some shimmer too....an olive green copic spica glitter pen
Of coarse you get the cute little bag too!
All you have to do is leave me a comment! I'll do the draw by Friday morning 9amPST.
Thanks Marianne and Thank-you Copic!
Oh wow! Thanks for offering such cool blog goodies. I can't wait to hear more about your copic trainings.
Sounds like a fun day. Thanks for the cool blog candy offer.
I would love to be able to attend a copic training session. *Sigh* some day. Thank you for the chance to win your great blog candy!
Oh I'm so jealous you got to hang out with the Copic Goddess! So cool!!! That is so sweet of you to offer these goodies too :)
How lucky that you got to attend! I love Copics but could certainly use some training! There was a class in Seattle just last week but I had to work :( The goodies are great and that little bag is so sweet! I hope it's me that you pick! :)
I'm new to your blog just discovered it today but love the copics, I don't have very many but I'm learning with what I have. Love the copic bag!
her name really isn't Marianne Copic (he, he, he). I'm sure that your Copic training was fabulous!
Awesome goodies!! I found your blog through Marianne and just HAD to swing by. Thanks for the chance to win these amazing products. *smiles*
I'm glad I found your blog (Marianne's blog send me here). I just suscribe to your wonderful blog. Thanks for a chance to win these goodies!
How fun! I can't wait 'til the Copic training/cert comes back to the Bay Area! :)
I hope you will share the knowledge you gained at your Copic workshop.
Thanks very much for the chance to enter this give away.
Sherrie you are offering such neat blog candy. I would love to be able to take a Copic class with Marianne. Well, maybe some day. Thanks for the chance to win.
Woohoo! I have recently become addicted to Copics. How exciting it would be to win your blog candy!
i have not one copic....and i woud love to try them out!
Wonderful giveaway i found you through her blog, she rocks, i can't wait to come back and visit to see what you make.
Thanks for a chance to win a COPIC...I don't own one yet but am excited for a chance...thanks.
OMGosh, a copic giveaway. Awesome! Those markers are wonderful.
Sherrie, thank you so much for all your help on Monday at the course in Richmond. Such a great day!! And your sunset card is just so much more stunning in real life than your blog photos show.
Thank you for the great blog candy offer!
Copic OMG - love them, love them, love them!!
Sounds like you had a fun day! Thanks for the chance to win such awesome blog candy!
Oh my goodness.. what great goodies and I love the bag! Thanks to both of you for the great giveaway!
Wow, great giveaways! I am hoping to got to a copic certification class in January. I can't wait! I don't have as many copics as I would like, so this would help bulge up my collection! THANKS! Ivonne
What a great blog 'candy'. I have a few copics and I'm looking to get more all the time. Thanks for the chance to enter into your drawing.
Jannette D.
Gotta love Copic!! Wish I could afford them all! Thanks for offering this.
Very cool "prizes" - love those Copics & your tutorials....thanks!!
Wow, looks like you had a great time with the copic queen! Thanks for the chance to win some candy :)
Marianne's blog has a wealth of info. I've learned a ton from reading it. Love the copic products too. Thanks for the chance to win some.
I love my copics but am still struggling with them. I hope to take a class soon but I look forward to seeing on your blog what you have learned recently.
OMG I NEED bag 1. My E33 is totally dry and I need to color some animals. LOL It is my absolute favorite color! *srosses fingers*
I hope to be able to take the class sometime. :)
Very fun ... thanks for the chance to win.
Thanks so much for offering the cool blog candy! Copies are wonderful, even though I don't own any :(
Your blog is great - thanks for sharing all your creativity with the rest of us!
I love your blog. What amazing blog candy. Thanks for the chance to win.
Michelle T
Wow--I'd love a chance to win these copics! I've never even had the chance to try them yet, and I've seen so many nice creations!
wow very cool candy for the creative. thanks
Wow...How cool would it be to take a Copic class?!!?!?!! Thanks for sharing!
Wow! The goodies look great...would love to hear more about the training!!
Lori G in PA
What a great give-away. Love the Copics.
I love these markers! Marianne's blog is really great, she is so talented. Thanks for the blog candy.
I'm in awe of your coloring when I come visit your blog, maybe some Copics will help me! Thanks for a chance to win some.
Wow! Sounds like so much fun. Thanks for sharing!
Oh yes! Thank you! Love copics!
I am in awe of Marianne's talent AND of the way she can break stuff down so even I can understand it!!
Fun give away!
I've never even USED a Copic before, so it'd be sweet to win some and try them out! Thanks!
Copic training would be so useful! Thank you for sharing through your blog.
C Burke
Wow copic training...every girls dream no? LOL..awesome candy your giving away...good luck everyone! :)
Sherrie...I've been reading your blog for a long time...I'm sorry I don't comment more often...makes me feel guilty to comment so I have a chance to win some goodies! I love your cards and you do such a wonderful job with your copics! ~~Pam (cardcrazy)
I am jealous! I want copic training, maybe someday!
I'm almost ready to make my investment into these markers and I'm very quickly learning that the investment continues with lessons in how to use them: luckily that means experimenting and playing.
I have always wanted to go to a copic training. Thanks so much for the great giveaway!!
I love Marianne's blog. I always learn something new. I only have a hand full of markers so I am nowhere near ready to try to get certification. I love your blog too, I have it in my google reader so I don't miss any!
What fun goodies!! It's like Christmas coming early!!
Such wonderful goodies! I've never used Copics but would certainly love to get a collection started.
Wow, what a great candy offer. I bet you had a ton of fun during the training. I hope to go to one someday. Krista.
What awesome blog candy! I have yet to join the Copic craze so winning one of these bundles would be great!
Oh, wow! What generous candy! I've not yet gotten my hands on any copics and would love to try them!
i've been dying to try those darn copics....they seem addictive...thanks for the opportunity!
I have never seen the WIDE Copics before - great Blog Candy!!
Thanks for a chance to win such cool blog candy! I have many copics on my wish list, but only have splurged for a cool grey one as yet. I love both of your blogs, have learned so much from both of you! Thanks for sharing!
Neat blog candy! I would love to try the spica pens!
would love to play with some copics to see how they work.
thanks for sharing your goodies.
Would love to try the different COPIC products!! I love your tutorials!
Oh how awesome!!! Thanks for such cool blog candyD!!! I hope to attend a copic training one day....cross my fingers.
Sheila A
Thanks for chance to enter to win copic markers. I have never used them but look forward to trying them someday.
I am still a copic virgin. Would love to try them out. Thanks for the chance to win this Copic blog candy.
Woohoo! Copic markers, fun, fun!!!
Pattie Brown
What an awesome opportunity to work with THE QUEEN of COPIC markers. I am addicted to Copic markers but would love to improve how I use them. I hope to take Marianne's class one day or would you consider teaching a class ?
Thank you for the chance to win some great blog candy!
Janet D (BC)
I would love to try these out ! I keep hearing great things....
I so want to attend a copic certification day! I'm so jealous. The goodies you're offering look awesome! Pick me!
Hi Sherrie,
Copics are wonderful, and so is your webstie!
sharyn davis
I have no Copic pens Yet!!!, but love reading the Blogs all about them and they seem to colour so well. I would love to enter the draw for 1 of these fabulous prizes.
Awesome blog candy! I have no Copics, but would oh so love to win some. Thanks for the chance.
I love my Copics and Marianne has a great blog! I've learned a lot from it. Thanks for the chance to win!
Wow! Either of these would be wonderful to win!
Wow! I am so jealous! I would have loved to have taken the Copic certification...maybe next time. Thanks for a chance to win some Copic "toys"!
I'm jealous that you took this class. I can't wait to take it! Thanks for offering the blog candy. I hope I win!
How run to go to copic training! Seems like we never get many opportunities for that type of thing in Iowa. Winning your blog candy would be a treat!
Awesome! Thanks for the chance to win some great blog candy offer! I hope to attend a Copic class one day! Can't wait to see you show us what you learned!
Copics are the best.... Really hope to get a training session near me soon...
Copics are great! Just love them. Thanks for offering a chance to win.
Woohoo! What a great give away. I do read Marianne's blog (it's wonderful) but haven't played with the markers. Thanks for the chance!
Never tried copic markers yet :)
I took this class on Monday, it was the best! I learned so much. I visit your blog daily. Thank you for all your tips.
Can't have enough Copics! My favorite coloring tools!
OMG!! I love copics and the more the merrier!
I love to color with Copic markers. I want to take a Copic Training. I look forward to all the tutorials and have learned a lot from them.
I can't imagine you needing anymore training you are a wonderful artist, great blog candy!
Oh Yeah! I would love to try out these Copics before I make the investment. Thanks for the opportunity to win this variety. I check out your blog everyday, it is so inspiring and your work is so exciting! Barbara Wiley (bluebmw53@yahoo.com)
I just found your blog and it is sooo informative! I always am learning something new! thanks for the chance to win something very cool!
qlt7scrap at cox dot net
How fun to be helping out in Copic Certification classes! I love Copic Markers...they ROCK 'da BLOCK!!
Ooooh! Yummy candy!! Maybe you could come to Sask. and show me how to use them!!?? Love your blog! Always nice to see a fellow Canadian once in a while! Thanks for the chance at your goodies.
what a neat prize thank you
WOW, I would love all the knowledge she has in her brain!!! Thanks for the chance at some copics!!!
Oh my...I've been hearing so much about the Copics!!! What wonderful blog candy, thank you for sharing!
Smiles, Sheri
what great blog candy! I don't have any Copics yet, but they look interesting.
wow- so nice of you to offer these up!! I am a huge fan of these copics
Hi Sherrie,
Thanks for sharing the Copic fun! I would love to take a class with Marianne. . .maybe some of the talent would rub off !!! :-)
Wow, what an opportunity! I don't have any copic markers but would love to try them out especially seeing everyone's great projects.
Love your blog!
Wow - free copics! I want to take marianne's class so much. Someday I will. Thanks for the great goodies.
Oh what I would give to take a copic class. Unfortunately they never come around me. How generous of you to offer copic goodies to all of us. Thanks for the opportunity:)
I'm hoping a class will come to my city someday.
You do excellent work with them already and I'm sure the things you learned in certification will be all the more helpful. Looking forward to see more of your things in the future. Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to try the Copics! :) Thanks for sharing your goodies.
I so want some copics! Thanks for offering!
Ooooooh!! This may be just what it takes to tempt me to buy Copics!
Up till now I have been resisting because they are pricey!! LOL
First time visitor and just loved your blog! My group has mentioned Copics before, but I've never tried them. I see from your blog, I really need to look into these! :)
Thanks for the opportunity to win some copics. I can't wait to hear more about the copic cert.
Oh how I would love to win those Copics!! I keep waiting for a class in Las Vegas, but it seems that Sin City is being avoided! ;)
Glad you got to enjoy some Copic love though. =)
Oh I would love to win these markers. Can you please tell Marianne to come to Omaha in the summer?
Enjoy your blog.Thank you for sharing the goodies!
I live in a small city in northern British Columbia, where Copic markers are not in abundance. Actually I have only 1 :( I read about them on the blogs I follow and would love a chance to play and get to see what these little wonders everyone speaks of, can do. Any chance you'd want to travel our way to give some demo's???
I am so envious that you got to have such a fun day with the Copic certifation ! Now to add blog candy of Copic ...... YUMMY ! Thanks :-) and I will be dropping by often to see what you are posting next :-)
Oh,I would love to be Copic certified. I wonder if Marianne would ever come to Ontario, Canada. Thanks for the chance to win.Nellie
I am hoping to get certified soon I just need to be in a place Marianne is! Sounds like oyu both had a lot of fun!
Would love to win some copics. I read read read all I can about them, most used colors people use, I try them out in stores, ask questions at places that sell them and still I question if I can ever do justice to coloring the way so many out there do. If I just had some to try out.
Well tomorrow is my bday and wouldn't that candy be extra sweet! lol
Well tomorrow is my bday and wouldn't that candy be extra sweet! lol
I have just started working with these wonderful markers. I'm anxious to learn more. I'm collecting colors and looking for more ideas.
I hope I win!!! I have a few Copics and I love them!
Sounds like a fun, informative day. Great giveaway! Looks like my lss will be getting in copics and teaching some classes. I cannot wait and will for sure be attending those classes.
WOW!! what a lucky duckie you were to get to hang with the COPIC QUEEN :) And those Copic goodies look so cool!! Thanks for the chance at trying to win one of those :)
Lucky girl, getting to hang with the Copic-Queen!!
Man, I'd love to pick her brain for ... oh, say ... weeks!
Thanks for all the inspiration and information ... and for offering me a chance to win such yummy goodness!
~Hugs, Deb
How Fun! These are great goodies. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Marianne is so talented and she lives in my home state ! Thanks foir a chane to win !
WOW Love Copics! thanks for the chance to win!
I have always loved "coloring" and used to buy my now grown 'kids' new crayons just so I could color with them before the tips disappeared ... how bad is that?? To color with copics would be a treat ...and I DO enjoy your blog.
I have been looking for where to buy some Copic Markers, and this would be a great way to try some out, can you buy those little gift bags somewhere. I love you blog and projects!
oh I am such the copic addict! Love those little bags.
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