Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mass Production with a Friend

Today I had the joy of doing some mass production at a friend's house. I had no idea what I would make, all I knew is that my card shops were screamin' and I needed to get A LOT done! So here is today's batch all bagged up and ready to go. I quickly grabbed the camera before these went out to market. The single shots are below so you can see a little more detail:

As you can see, these are very else would I get 50 done in 5hrs and squeeze in lunch and the all important chit chat with my friend.
Phew, love the feeling of accomplishment!
Have a good one!


Diana said...

Wow! I am so impressed! I don't know if I could ever get that many done in one sitting (I had a hard time getting one done today...even at that, it's not finished yet). Must apologize, too. I've been reading your blog every day since November, and this is the first time I commented; sorry.

Flabbernoogles said...

Congrats on getting so many made in that amount of time! I'd love to know what your card shops sell your cards for.

veronica said...

your cards are great! i have your blog on my favorites feed discovery. i am impressed with your mass production, so i read all your mass prod posts. i would love more info on your card shops. what type of shops are they? how you decided to sell with them? thanks so much for all your inspiration.

Conniecrafter said...

Wow now that is alot of cards in 5 hours, great job, very pretty!

Anonymous said...

Could you post one day on how you found shops to sell your cards, pricing, etc? I'm trying to come up with some ideas to sell cards locally. Thanks!