I was tagged by Danni a while back and totally forgot....gulp, sorry! I'll try to come up with 7 things about me.
1. Most of you already know that I am quite tall (6ft) that lended myself to sports. I still play in a league. The funny thing is that due to many high school and university ankle injuries I now wear braces on both ankles, and they squeak when I walk. You can hear me coming a mile away!
2. I have a hubby of 14years and two great kids. Marie is our little musician, she is 11. Daniel can build anything out of lego, he is 9. It amazes me how well he can follow the lego directions, insisting on NO help from us!
3. I love to stay home. I intially thought I would be bored when the kids are in school full time, but I have really treasured my alone time to discover what I am about and what God has called me to be.
4.I just recently was asked to be on a design team....how thrilled I am with that! I am hoping this opens many doors for me in this industry. I love to sit and be creative.
5. We are doing a road trip this summer. We have a family gathering north of Edmonton, Alberta and then will be travelling all the way down to see the Grand Canyon then swing to the west coast of California and drive up through the Redwoods. We are tenting it (only if it doesn't rain), should be an interesting trip for our family.
6. A quirky thing about me is that I am petrified of the dentist. I would rather be in labour and have babies than sit in a dentist's chair.
7. Finally I am sure you have gathered that I am quite the coffee snob. Yes, sadly, I must admit to this. I have failed in my many attempts to get my hubby to drink it, but that hasn't stopped me. So if you are in my neck of the woods (Abbotsford, BC) come on over for a latte some time. I make great summer fraps!
I have seen this tagging thing go round a few times, so if you haven't had the chance to be tagged.....YOU'RE IT!
Love this tagging thing, not the being tagged part but the reading part, it is so cool to find out things about other bloggers. Enjoy your summer trip, would love to see the Redwoods, that along with the Grand Canyon is on my list of things to do.
I loved reading the seven things about you! I had to laugh at the "rather be in labor than in a dentists chair"....I have said exactly the same thing! Ha! I hate going to the dentist, but have had to go anyway. Oh, and I have had 8 babies too! ;o) ~~Pam (cardcrazy)
Great card I really like the white on the swirls.
Love your card and how you sanded the swirls. So fun...love your card!
I love how you can see the swirls. This is beautiful!
Another wonderful card, Sherrie! Love the Cuttlebugging!
Glad to see your having fun! Hopefully we can play together again someday.... maybe September?!?!?!
Cute Sherrie! Both the card and the post...although I am partial to #4 of course! :) Great job!
Sherrie, I love reading your tag responses. I am in total agreement with you on the dentist and in fact I've said the exact same thing "I'd rther give birth than go to the dentist" I had an appointment yesterday and he was running late and I told them I couldn't wait and was so happy to get out of there. Your cards are looking awesome and a HUGE congrats on the DT spot!! WTG Girl!!!
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